Western NSW

Western NSW Regional Training Hub

The Western NSW Regional Training Hub develops and delivers a range of initiatives aimed at increasing and enriching the medical training opportunities offered in the Western NSW Local Health District. Customised workshops, building clinical supervision capacity, scholarships, a mentoring program and individual career pathway sessions are the focus of Hub activities. We have staff located at the University of Sydney School of Rural Health sites at Dubbo and Orange which are conveniently co-located with the regional health services in those towns. The team enjoys working supporting the career needs from medical students to Fellows.

Contact Details

Linda Cutler, Director

Dr Pip Southwell, Project Officer

E: western-nsw.regional-training-hub@sydney.edu.au

T: +61 (2) 5809 9400

Food and Wine

Festivals for every season, cold climate wines, fine dining, and night markets

Action Awaits

Community sport, Parkrun, endless hiking and biking trails

Wiradjuri Country

Rich culture from Gaahna Bulla (Mount Canbolas) and the Wambool (Macquarie River)