

  • 5 years full-time
  • Flexible training options are available
  • Recognition of prior learning (RPL) may apply


  • PGY2+
  • Employment in a training position in an RCPA accredited laboratory
  • Submission of a Prospective Training Program devised by the Supervisor in conjunction with the Trainee


Five years working in accredited laboratories plus three examinations:

  1. Basic Pathological Sciences Examination: usually taken in the first year of training but may be taken before commencing
  2. Discipline specialty Part I: usually taken in the third year of training.
  3. Discipline specialty Part II: usually taken in the final year of training


  • Trainees must reapply for Registration and provide a Prospective Training Program each year
  • Training can be undertaken in General or Clinical Pathology or in one of the seven single disciplines:  Anatomical Pathology, Chemical Pathology*, Genetic Pathology, Forensic Pathology, Haematology*, Immunopathology* or Microbiology*

*The RCPA training program is linked to the training programs of The Royal Australasian College of Physicians in these discipline areas

Information from is intended as a summary to assist with career planning and has been developed by The South Eastern Regional Training Hubs Collaboration. While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, details should be verified through the relevant Specialist College and health services. LAST UPDATED November 15, 2023